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Monday, August 11, 2008


Mr. Parkinson took me flying over the city yesterday. It was incredible. Flying definitely beats rush hour traffic.

A few pictures of the pilot. Approaching downtown.

My old house is in there somewhere. I think it's the yellow one with all the trees in the upper right-hand corner.

Guess the landmark - 2 cool points.

If you turn your head 90 degrees to the right you can see the gorge we hiked up yesterday.


Guess the landmark - 3 cool points.

If you can't guess this landmark - lose 1 cool point

For a proper landing the numbers on the runway should be one beercan length above the dashboard.

The real pilot and I.

After the flight we had breakfast at this amazing little airport restaurant. I think it was prolly the biggest breakfast I've ever had. I would've taken a picture but the food was so good that it was all gone by the time I got my camera out.

Extra Credit - 5 cool points each:


Unknown said...

i love u kev kev and i miss you it isnt fun coming home and not seeing you

Anonymous said...

I got 11 points but I couldn't get the last one, I thought maybe the
Hollywood Bowl, but the picture was
too blurry to make it out. So what
do I get for 11 points, a new ironing
board cover I hope. So what was that
last picture? Tried to make out the
Eagle Rock house but too difficult.
Love Ya

Kevin said...

Last picture was the eagle rock.