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Monday, August 18, 2008


Downtown Auckland and I.

Sorry for the delay, I've had problems getting my laptop charged and finding internet access.

Well, as I said earlier, we made it to Auckland. Everything seems to be more expensive here, and there is nothing free – including internet. It's hard to find even a public restroom or drinking fountain. That being said, it's a beautiful country. I'll post pictures whenever I get the chance.

After spending the night in Auckland, we travelled randomly around te suburbs looking for wifi and trying to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road. Not only do you find yourself on the other side of the road, but you are driving on the other side of the car. They switch all of your controls, ie. The windshield wiper is located in the turn signal's usual locale. I can't tell you how many times I have made a turn and found myself with my winshield wipers on.

Driving is terrifying here, not only are you on the wrong side, but you are hurtling through twisting, mountain roads at 100km with very very little clearance between you and oncoming traffic. At some points, in the residential districts people park along the street so there is only enough space for 1.9 cars to pass side by side. When you combine this with oncoming traffic and 80kmh you get a very exciting adventure.

We are out in the country now, traveling along one of the main motorways (which turns into a dirt road at times) and we ran across a One Lane bridge. Meaning there is only 1 lane for both directions of traffic. Apparently you cross your fingers and hope no one is coming the other direction.

I don't have a lot of time so I'm going to just give you a direct link to my photobucket album.

Here is the link to my first couple of days in Auckland.

It'll have to do 'til I have the time to organize everything. I am paying for internet at the moment - by the hour! It's sick... Everyone's out to rip you off when you travel.

It's cold, my fingers are starting to go numb.


Anonymous said...

Wow-Great pics... All that nature and hiking... you won't be having many "fat days" out there LMAO... I'm sorry everything costs so much money, but I was glad to hear you guys were able to get a car atleast... Miss you...

Anonymous said...

The dense fern forest and algae looking water remind me of Florida! Did you take those photo's before you left? Driving sounds treacherous - too bad that you don't have a video camera so that we could scream along with you as you buzz along those mountain roads! God keep you both safe and I send my love. Mom

Anonymous said...

The pictures are fabulous, really
enjoying it. Love the flora and the
crispsness of it all. Would like to
see what you're driving. How much is
gas there? You always have sweaters
on, so it can't be too hot there.
It's so green, must get a lot of rain. Great Blog! Very Interesting.
Maybe more variety. Seen Gandolf yet?
Where's the sheep? I wanna see sheep.
Does anyone swim in the ocean or is it too cold? What's for dinner?