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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Return to Auckland

We are back in Auckland to buy a car, and hopefully find a place to stay and/or a job. After a few days of experience, I think I can safely say that we have found one of the best backpackers in New Zealand. We are staying in the Bamber House in Mt. Eden, it's old mansion that has been converted to a backpackers. They have space heaters, blankets, and electric blankets – quite luxurious. Unfortunately, there is only one outlet in the room, so you have to pick and choose what you want to be warm.

The house is located at the foot of Mt Eden, a dormant volcano rising out of the suburbs just south of downtown Auckland. Last night we climbed it. They keep the entire thing covered in grass to protect the natural shape safe from erosion. Apparently the whole place used to be covered in sheep as well, to keep the grass under control, but they recently switched to some new kind of grass...

Anyway, we climbed it and took some pictures of Auckland at night.

A view of the bay


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work; it's cool to follow your experiences with you!

Anonymous said...

From conquering the Eagle Rock to conquering Mt. Eden. What's next, Mt. Everest? :O)

Anonymous said...

Great view... must be fantastic to wake up too every morning. So I'm thinking for your birthday you need something battery operated??? LOL...
