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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rock Writing

The second coolest feature of Cornwall Park is the field of rock graffiti.



I felt compelled to contribute. The K was already there, but we improved it with the biggest rocks we could find. It cost me a several days of sun-induced suffering, but that K will last.



Anonymous said...

a "K", not bad. However, a
- Kevin
Handiman extrodinaire
Call 878-2234

Now that would have been impressive!

Anonymous said...

haha!!! ive never heard of such a thing! now i guess thugs hafta work

-dave k

Anonymous said...

To think I almost forgot what you looked like and here you are "grafitti-ing" the world with your name. Nice to see you traveling around again and taking pictures. Its like being there...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely bizarre. Who'd ever thunk it? You gotta love it for ingenuity. You could even get three dimensional if you were really motivated.