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Monday, December 8, 2008


This is me trying to pet the sheep. They kept running away, so I tried to sneak up on them.

I will get you.

That's about as close as I got, we even tried attacking from both sides. They were just too smart for us. Plus, I felt kind of mean chasing them all over the park...

The rest of the Cornwall Park album is here.


Anonymous said...

Before you left you said you wanted to herd sheep. I see you've
attained your goal. Congratulations.
And you did good at it, maybe consider it for a career.
If you had some good food for them
they might not have run away.

Anonymous said...

Ha maybe if you'd had one of those muffins on you from the previous trip to the store. Jobie would've done well in this situation I think.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious pictures! I can imagine you chasing these critters all over the park. They surely lead you on a "wild goose chase"! I love it! Baaa