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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Kiwi Accent

So, I've been trying to fake a kiwi accent since I arrived. Usually, I'm pretty good at picking up accents, but I cannot for the life of me get kiwi. Apparently, the closest I've come is a really fast "posh british accent" with a bunch of yeahs (pronounced Yii-a) thrown in...

Sweet as.

So here are some kiwi accents courtesy of youtube. If you can copy it, good on ya mate.

For bonus points pronounce this: Whangarei - if you said 'wong - ga - ray' you'd be wrong.


Anonymous said...

Got nothin' but blank text boxes in there mate

Kevin said...

Try to refresh?

Also you may need to upgrade your flash player.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up... You waited all this time to work on your Kiwi...

I hated Quantum... It didn't hold my attention at all...


Anonymous said...

the third girl doesn't sound very kiwi....she needs to work on that.