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Monday, December 15, 2008


I recently discovered that the Pak'n'Save in Sylvia Park (where I work) sells fresh fish. Can you believe that I've been living on an island for months now, and I haven't eaten any fish? Well, as of a couple of weeks ago I am making up for lost time.

These are pacific saury.

Salt Grilled

And served on rice with stir fried bok choy.


Anonymous said...

They look tiny next to your fingers, kinda like herring on steroids! What are they?

Kevin said...

It's just my fingers...

Anonymous said...

that looks sooo good.

im glad you're eating ok. my mom will be pleased. =P


Anonymous said...

Strange little critters. Looks good however. How were they?
Fishy? I'll bet they have quite a selection of fish over there. Curious about what else is available.